Getting Started: Running the “Graphics Object Layer” demo
The demo projects are created to run on supported Microchip Demo Boards and development hardware. Pre-generated hex files are available on the "Precompiled Hex" sub-directory found in the demo directory. These hex files are generated using the alternative hardware profiles found in the sub-directory named "Configs". Use the "Demo Compatibility Guide" when running pre-generated hex files appropriate for your hardware.
The Graphics Object Layer (GOL) demo exhibits the basic functionalities of the GOL Objects. It is composed of multiple screens showing how the different GOL Objects can be utilized with a touch screen, demonstrates how to bind some objects and use GOL Messages to pass parameters from one object to another. The demo has two language modes: Chinese and English modes. When selection is done, the strings used in the demo are mapped to the language selected. Both modes use the same fonts to save memory space. The default font file GOLFontDefault.c located in the Microchip/Graphics/ directory is NOT used in this demo. Instead, the file named ChineseFonts.c is used. This font file contains the GOLFontDefault and another named GOLSmallFont. Both fonts are reduced fonts generated using character filters defined in the application directory named FontFilter. The font tables include only the standard ASCII set (32-127) and the Chinese characters that are used in the demo. The summary of the strings used for the two modes are placed in the ChineseFontsfontref.h file.
All font tables used in the demo are generated using the "Graphics Resource Converter" (grc.jar) utility. Please refer to the utility documentation for details.
The demo starts with the Microchip Start Screen and using the touch screen you can navigate through all the screens showing the different GOL Objects that can be used in the library.
Side Buttons Support
An additional feature of the library is the support for keyboard. Four Explorer 16 buttons (S3, S4, S5 and S6) are used to control the demo. The key assignments are enumerated below:
· S3 - Enter Key
· S4 - Down Key
· S5 - Up Key
· S6 - This moves the focus on the screen.
You can perform actions on the objects using these buttons. You can actually navigate through all the demo screen using buttons S5 and S6. Where S6 toggles the object selection and S5 performs the action on the object. S3 and S4 buttons in this demo works only for the slider. Pressing the S3 or S4 buttons will decrement or increment the slider thumb’s position.
Demo Limitations
Compiler optimization level must be set to "1", "2", or "s" for PIC24FJ128GA010, dsPIC33FJ128GP804 and PIC24HJ128GP504. For evaluation copies of the compilers that have expired, a purchase of the valid license will be needed to to set the optimization levels to "1", "2" or "s".
For PIC32 Starter Kits:
· No potentiometer present. The plotting demo with external source will not work.
· No available button to perform focus control.
· Secondary oscillator when not populated will not update the date and time demo that is based on the RTCC module.
Demo Procedure
1) Connect the necessary hardware and program with the correct pre-generated hex.
2) When running the demo for the very first time, you’ll get touch screen calibration menu. Please refer to Screen Calibration for details.
3) After you exit the calibration menu or immediately after power up the Start Screen will be shown. Touch the screen to continue.
4) The screens showing GOL objects will appear. Navigate through the demo using the Next (») and Back («) buttons on the sides.
5) Notice the time and date is displayed on the upper right corner of the screen. To set the date and time press on the date and time group box. Note that only the touch screen interface is enabled when setting time and date. To exit just press the exit button. Time and date set will be reflected in the time and date group box.
6) To jump from one screen to another press on the Microchip logo on the upper left corner. A pull down menu will appear on the screen. Releasing your press will remove the pull down menu. To jump to a screen, drag your stylus or finger while pressing to the desired screen title. Once the title is selected, release your finger or stylus. The screen chosen will be displayed. To cancel selection, simply drag your finger or stylus outside the drop down menu and release. You will return to the current screen. The pull down menu has two lists. The first list has one item named “MORE” at the bottom. Selecting this without releasing your press will bring up the second list. The second list also has a “BACK” item that gives you ability to return to the first list.
Microchip Start Screen
This screen shows the start of the demo. Tap the screen to proceed.
Before describing the other screens of the demo, the navigation buttons are defined:
· Back («) button – This button, located on the left side, directs the user to the previous screen. Before the previous screen is shown, all objects in the current screen is destroyed and removed from memory. The previous screen is created from scratch and displayed, replacing the current screen.
· Next (») button – This button, located on the right side, directs the user to the next screen. Before the next screen is shown, all objects in the current screen is destroyed and removed from memory. The next screen is created from scratch and displayed, replacing the current screen.
This screen is composed of a Window with 7 buttons drawn on its client area. Going from top to down and left to right direction, each button’s actions are described below:
1) The 1st Button shows the basic functionality of the object. Appearance of the object changes from Pressed to Un-pressed when pressed or released.
2) The 2nd Button shows a gradient bitmap drawn over the button’s face. Text “HOME” is drawn over the bitmap. When both bitmap and text are drawn over the face of the button, the text will always be on top of the bitmap.
3) The 3rd Button shows that multiple bitmaps can be displayed in the face of the button with text. For every state a different bitmap can be rendered. Text shown is also moved to the upper left corner of the button’s face.
4) The 4th Button is configured to toggle mode. Every press will toggle the button from press to release or release to press.
5) The 5th and 6th Buttons (colored green and red respectively) is configured to complement each other. When one is pressed, the other will be in the released state. This emulates an exclusive or property just like in ON/OFF switches.
6) The 7th Button is disabled. All touch screen and button actions are ignored by this object.
Note that the object that you operate on is selected as the current focused object. This can be verified by a dotted rectangle is drawn on the face of the object. When this rectangle is drawn on or around the object the state of this object is set to Focused and when removed the state is Unfocused. Not all objects have this feature.
This screen is composed of a Window with 3 check boxes drawn on its client area and a rounded button (“HOME”). Each object actions are described below:
1) The 1st Check Box changes the location of the text in the button to align left. Notice again the dotted rectangle drawn around the checkbox when the object is selected and removed when the object is not selected.
2) The 2nd Check Box changes the text alignment to bottom.
3) The 3rd Check Box is disabled. All touch screen and button actions are ignored by this object.
4) The Button is implemented using multi-line strings and operates in default settings.
Radio Buttons
This screen is composed of a Window with 2 groups of radio buttons its client area. In a radio button group only one radio button can be selected at a time. Group boxes (Group1 & Group2) defines the two groups.
Group 1 actions are described below:
1) The 1st Radio Button (Rb1) has its state set to active and initially checked. This is also the head object of the group. The filled circle drawn indicates that it is checked.
2) The 2nd Radio Button (Rb2) set to active state.
3) The 3rd Radio Button (Rb3) set to active state.
4) The 4th Radio Button is disabled. This object cannot be selected and ignores all touch screen and button actions.
Group 2 functions similarly to Group 1 but in this group the language selection of the whole demo is controlled by the two radio buttons. English is the default setting. To change to Chinese language, select the Chinese radio button.
Static Text and Group Box
This screen is composed of a Window with a Group Box, Static Text and one group of Radio Buttons drawn on its client area. The Static Text is drawn inside the Group Box. Each object actions are described below:
1) The Radio Buttons are used to select the text alignment of the Group Box Title and the Static Text.
· L – Selects left alignment.
· C – Selects center alignment.
· R – Selects right alignment
2) The Group Box title “Group Box” alignment is controlled by the radio buttons.
3) The Static Text is drawn with a frame. The text “Microchip Graphics Library Static Text and Group Box Test.” alignment is also controlled by the radio buttons.
This screen is composed of a Window with a Group Box and three sliders drawn on its client area. Each object actions are described below:
1) The Group Box is drawn without a title. The small black square drawn inside the Group Box can be moved by the touch screen. Touching any point within the Group Box moves the black square in that position. At the same time the 2 active sliders are updated reflecting the horizontal and vertical position of the black square on the Group Box.
2) The 1st Slider is disabled. All touch screen and key actions on this object are ignored.
3) The 2nd Slider thumb position can be moved by touching the screen or pressing S3 and S4 buttons. This also controls the horizontal position of the black square in the Group box.
4) The 3rd Slider thumb position can be moved by touching the screen or pressing S3 and S4 buttons. This also controls the vertical position of the black square in the Group box.
Progress Bar
This screen is composed of a Window with a Progress Bar and a Button drawn on its client area. The Progress Bar incrementally sweeps the progress from 0% to 100% and vice versa. The Progress Bar does not process touch screen or button actions. The Button, configured in toggle mode, can change the speed of the Progress Bar animation.
List Box
This screen is composed of the following:
1) Window – Contains all the objects.
2) List Box – Contains 7 items. Only 5 items can be displayed at a time.
3) Two Check Boxes – These selects the modes.
· Single – This enables the single item selection when checked. When unchecked, multiple items can be selected.
· Center – controls the alignment of the text in the List Box. When checked, alignment is centered, otherwise left aligned.
4) Two Group Boxes – These are added to label the Check Boxes.
5) Scroll Bar – This enables scrolling the List Box.
6) Two Buttons (with Up and Down arrows) – These objects are added to function together with the Scroll Bar. Aside from the ability to drag the Scroll Bar, the Buttons also allows up and down movement of the Scroll Bar.
Edit Box
This screen is composed of a Window with an Edit Box and 16 Buttons. This screen emulates the telephone functionality. The buttons marked with number 0-9, “*” and “#” serves as inputs for a phone number. Every time one of these buttons is pressed, the number or character is displayed in the Edit Box. The Button with ? symbol is the back space key. Pressing this deletes the last character displayed. The Button with the “Green” phone receiver icon and “Red” phone icon serves as the “Call” and “End Call” keys. Pressing the “Call” key will show the text “Calling…” in the Edit Box. Pressing the “End Call” key will erase text in the Edit Box. The Button “Hld” is the “Hold Call” key.
This screen is composed of a Window with Two Meters (METER1 and METER2), two Digital Meters and two Buttons configured to toggle mode. METER1 is drawn with an ARC drawn over the scales. METER2 is drawn without the ARC.
METER1 animates by increasing the values of the meters and decreasing the values of the meter. The first button (with alternating “accel” and decelerating “dclrt” text alternately displayed when pressed or released) controls this movement.
METER2 is manually animated by pressing the second button. METER1 animation can be also altered by pressing and releasing the first button.
Values of the Meters are also shown. The colors of the values changes from GREEN, to YELLOW and to RED. These colors define the Normal, Critical and Danger colors. The colors used can be modified.
The Digital Meters shows the digital equivalent of the meter values.
This screen is composed of a Window with a Dial and a Meter. Dial and Meter are configured to have a range of 0-700. The Meter shows the current value of the Dial. Turning the Dial (using the touch screen) in a clockwise direction will increment the value of the Dial. Turning it in a counter clockwise direction will decrement the value.
Also the demo lights up the LED in the Explorer 16 board when the Dial is turned.
Picture Control
This screen is composed of a Window with Picture, a slider and two check boxes drawn on its client area. Each object actions are described below:
1) The Picture object is drawn with a frame. The bitmap is displayed with scaling (x1 or x2) controlled by one checkbox. Bitmap shown is also changed to emulate animation. There are actually 8 frames used to emulate animation.
2) The 1st Check Box names “Scale” controls the scale of the Picture.
3) The 2nd Check Box named “Animate” controls the animation of the Picture.
4) The slider controls the speed of the animation. This object will only be enabled when the “Animate” control is set. Notice that the slider toggles from active to inactive state when “Animate” control is toggled. The speed changes from slowest when slider thumb is in the right most position and fastest when the thumb is in the left most position. Animation speed is controlled by inserting delays between the frames.
Custom Control
This screen is composed of a Window, three Radio Buttons and a custom object created and displayed in its client area. The custom object shows an animation of a UP and DOWN arrow bitmap and a green bar drawn on a blue background. The green bar emulates a fluid level. The level can be modified by touching the screen. The level can also be controlled by pressing the Radio Buttons. “Heavy Load” sets the level to high, “Normal Load” sets the level to medium and “Light Load” sets the level to low. Changing the level using the touch screen automatically sets the Radio Button selection. The custom object does not process button actions.
This screen is composed of a Window with a Panel drawn on its client area. The Panel encloses an area that functions as a paper that the user can write to. This is similar to point of sale devices where signatures of customers can be recorded digitally and stored.
This screen is composed of a Window with a Panel drawn on its client area. The Panel encloses an area that graphs the value of the Potentiometer (R6) in the Explorer 16 Board in real time. Turning the potentiometer will displays the new value of R6 in the Panel.
This screen is composed of a Window with a Panel drawn on its client area. The Panel encloses an area where samples of a signal can be displayed. The demo emulates an ECG sampled data in Scan Mode. The data is not coming from an external source but rather from a pre-stored data in memory.
The “Resources” folder also contains the xml project used to generate the images stored in the internal flash memory. Open the file in "Graphics Resource Converter" utility to see which files are loaded from internal flash memory.
· InternalResourceObjectLayer.xml
To run the demo in the supported Development Board combination, set the proper hardware profile in the project HardwareProfile.h file:
· To run the demo on selected Development Boards using QVGA display use:
#include "Configs/HWP_XXX_QVGAv1.h”
· To run the demo on selected Development Boards using WQVGA display use:
#include "Configs/HWP_XXX_WQVGAv1.h”
· To run the demo on Multimedia Expansion Board use:
#include "Configs/HWP_MEB_XXX.h”
Where: XXX represents any of the selected Development Boards.
The hardware profile file name refers to the combination of Development Boards that are used to run the demo. Refer to the abbreviations summary (link) for details.
The table below shows the hardware set up for the selected Development Boards attached to different Display Boards:
Required Hardware/Configuring the Hardware
Selected Development Boards |
Graphics PICtail Board |
3.2″ QVGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-4) |
4.3″ WQVGA Powertip TFT Display Board (AC164127-6) |
5.7″ VGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-8) |
PIC24FJ256DA210 Development Board (DM240312) |
None |
✓ (see note 1) |
✓ (see note 1) |
☒ (see note 5) |
Multimedia Expansion Board (DM320005) + PIC32 USB Starter Kit II (DM320003-2) OR PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit (DM320004) OR PIC32 Starter Kit (DM320001) OR PIC24E USB Starter Kit (DM240012) OR dsPIC33E USB Starter Kit (DM330012) |
☑ (see notes 2, 7) |
✗ |
✗ |
Explorer 16 (DM240001) + PIC24FJ128GA010 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240011) OR PIC24FJ256GA110 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240015) OR PIC24FJ256GB110 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240014) OR PIC24FJ256GB210 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240021) OR PIC24HJ128GP504 Graphics Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240016-2) OR dsPIC33FJ128GP804 Graphics Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA330019-2) OR PIC32MX 100P QFP TO 100P Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA320001) OR PIC32MX USB Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA320002) OR PIC32MX CAN-USB Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA320003) |
Graphics LCD Controller PICtail™ Plus SSD1926 Board (AC164127-5) (see note 3) |
✓ |
✓ |
✗ |
Explorer 16 (DM240001) + PIC24EP512GU810 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240025-1) OR dsPIC33EP512MU810 Plug-In-Module(PIM) (MA330024-1) |
☒ |
☒ |
✗ |
PIC32 USB Starter Kit II (DM320003-2) OR PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit (DM320004) OR PIC32 Starter Kit (DM320001) |
✓ (see note 7) |
✓ |
✗ |
PIC24E USB Starter Kit (DM240012) OR dsPIC33E USB Starter Kit (DM330012) |
☒ |
☒ |
✓ |
PIC32 Starter Kit (DM320001) OR PIC32 USB Starter Kit II (DM320003-2) OR PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit (DM320004) |
Low Cost Controllerless (LCC) Graphics PICtail™ Plus Board (AC164144) (see note 4)
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Note: 1. When using PIC24FJ256DA210 Development Board set the jumpers to: - JP8 – don’t care (color depth is 16BPP, byte access is not performed) - JP9 – set to 1-2 (use Y- signal) - JP10 – set to 1-2 (use X+ signal) - JP11, JP12 – don’t care - JP23 – set to 2-3 (use SPI Flash) - JP13 – set to RG8-S1 (use S1 switch) - JP14 – set to RE9-S2 (use S2 switch) - JP15 – set to RB5-POT(RB5) (use potentiometer) 2. The Multimedia Expansion Board and the 3.2″ QVGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-4) uses the same TFT display. 3. When using Graphics LCD Controller PICtail™ Plus SSD1926 Board set the jumpers to: - JP1 – open - JP2 – depending on the PMP interface setting - set to 1-2 (for 8-bit PMP) - set to 2-3 (for 16-bit PMP) - JP3 – set to 1-2 (use RD1) 4. Set all the Low Cost Controllerless (LCC) Graphics PICtail™ Plus Board jumpers to 2-3 (External 16-bit) 5. To run this demo on the 5.7″ VGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-8) with the PIC24FJ256DA210 Development Board at 16 bpp color depth, the refresh rate of the display must be set to 32 Hz instead of 60 Hz. 6. The demo is not limited to the selected display boards used here. Other display boards can be used with the appropriate hardware profiles. 7. When using Starter Kits, there are portions of the demos that will not work: - Starter Kits secondary oscillator is not populated out of the box, any RTCC function(s) will not work. To make the RTCC portion of the demo work, a 32 Khz crystal must be added. - Plotting Demo that draws the potentiometer reading on the screen will always show a flat line since there is no potentiometer on the board. |
Legend: |
✓ |
Supported out of the box |
☒ |
Hardware compatible, will need firmware modification |
☑ |
Supported, see limitations |
✗ |
Not supported, hardware not compatible |
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