To run this project, you will need one of the following sets of hardware:


    Configuration 1: PIC24FJ256DA210 Development Board

            PIC24FJ256DA210 Development Board (DM240312)

            And one of the following Display Boards

3.2″ QVGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-4)

4.3″ WQVGA Powertip TFT Display Board (AC164127-6)

5.7″ VGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-8)

    Configuration 2: Explorer 16

Explorer 16 (DM240001)

            And one of the following PIMs

PIC24FJ128GA010 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240011)

PIC24FJ256GA110 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240015)

PIC24FJ256GB110 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240014)

PIC24FJ256GB210 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240021)

PIC24HJ128GP504 Graphics Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240016-2)

dsPIC33FJ128GP804 Graphics Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA330019-2)

PIC24EP512GU810 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240025-1)

dsPIC33EP512MU810 Plug-In-Module(PIM) (MA330024-1)

PIC32MX 100P QFP TO 100P Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA320001)

PIC32MX USB Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA320002)

            And a controller board

            Graphics LCD Controller PICtail™ Plus SSD1926 Board (AC164127-5)

            Graphics LCD Controller PICtail™ Plus S1D13517 Board (AC164127-7)

            Low Cost Controllerless (LCC) Graphics PICtail™ Plus  Board (AC164144) 

            Connected to one of the following Display Boards

3.2″ QVGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-4)

4.3″ WQVGA Powertip TFT Display Board (AC164127-6)

5.7″ VGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-8)

7.0″ WVGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-9)


    Configuration 3: Graphics LCD Controller PICtail™ Plus SSD1926 Board with PIC32 Starter Kits

            Graphics LCD Controller PICtail™ Plus SSD1926 Board (AC164127-5)

            And one of the following Starter Kits

PIC24E Starter Kit  (DM240012)

dsPIC33E Starter Kit  (DM330012)

PIC32 Starter Kit (DM320001)

PIC32 USB Starter Kit II (DM320003-2)


                Connected to one of the following Display Boards

3.2″ QVGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-4)

4.3″ WQVGA Powertip TFT Display Board (AC164127-6)

   Configuration 4: Graphics LCD Controller PICtail™ Plus S1D13517 Board with PIC32 Starter Kits

            Graphics LCD Controller PICtail™ Plus S1D13517 Board (AC164127-7)

            And one of the following Starter Kits

PIC32 Starter Kit (DM320001)

PIC32 USB Starter Kit II (DM320003-2)

PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit (DM320004)


               Connected to one of the following Display Boards

5.7″ VGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-8)

7.0″ WVGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-9)


    Configuration 5: Low Cost Controllerless (LCC) Graphics PICtail™ Plus Board with PIC32 Starter Kits

            Low Cost Controllerless (LCC) Graphics PICtail™ Plus  Board (AC164144) 

            And one of the following Starter Kits

PIC32 Starter Kit (DM320001)

PIC32 USB Starter Kit II (DM320003-2)

PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit (DM320004)


              Connected to one of the following Display Boards

3.2″ QVGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-4)

4.3″ WQVGA Powertip TFT Display Board (AC164127-6)

5.7″ VGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-8)


    Configuration 6: Multimedia Expansion Board

Multimedia Expansion Board (DM320005)

            And one of the following Starter Kits

PIC24E Starter Kit  (DM240012)

dsPIC33E Starter Kit  (DM330012)

PIC32 Starter Kit (DM320001)

PIC32 USB Starter Kit II (DM320003-2)

PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit (DM320004)