To run this project, you will need one of the following sets of hardware:
PIC24FJ256DA210 Development Board (DM240312)
And one of the following Display Boards
3.2″ QVGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-4)
4.3″ WQVGA Powertip TFT Display Board (AC164127-6)
5.7″ VGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-8)
Explorer 16 (DM240001)
And one of the following PIMs
PIC24FJ128GA010 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240011)
PIC24FJ256GA110 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240015)
PIC24FJ256GB110 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240014)
PIC24FJ256GB210 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240021)
PIC24HJ128GP504 Graphics Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240016-2)
dsPIC33FJ128GP804 Graphics Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA330019-2)
PIC24EP512GU810 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240025-1)
dsPIC33EP512MU810 Plug-In-Module(PIM) (MA330024-1)
PIC32MX 100P QFP TO 100P Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA320001)
PIC32MX USB Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA320002)
And a controller board
Graphics LCD Controller PICtail™ Plus SSD1926 Board (AC164127-5)
Graphics LCD Controller PICtail™ Plus S1D13517 Board (AC164127-7)
Low Cost Controllerless (LCC) Graphics PICtail™ Plus Board (AC164144)
Connected to one of the following Display Boards
3.2″ QVGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-4)
4.3″ WQVGA Powertip TFT Display Board (AC164127-6)
5.7″ VGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-8)
7.0″ WVGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-9)
Graphics LCD Controller PICtail™ Plus SSD1926 Board (AC164127-5)
And one of the following Starter Kits
PIC24E Starter Kit (DM240012)
dsPIC33E Starter Kit (DM330012)
PIC32 Starter Kit (DM320001)
PIC32 USB Starter Kit II (DM320003-2)
Connected to one of the following Display Boards
3.2″ QVGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-4)
4.3″ WQVGA Powertip TFT Display Board (AC164127-6)
Graphics LCD Controller PICtail™ Plus S1D13517 Board (AC164127-7)
And one of the following Starter Kits
PIC32 Starter Kit (DM320001)
PIC32 USB Starter Kit II (DM320003-2)
PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit (DM320004)
Connected to one of the following Display Boards
5.7″ VGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-8)
7.0″ WVGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-9)
Low Cost Controllerless (LCC) Graphics PICtail™ Plus Board (AC164144)
And one of the following Starter Kits
PIC32 Starter Kit (DM320001)
PIC32 USB Starter Kit II (DM320003-2)
PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit (DM320004)
Connected to one of the following Display Boards
3.2″ QVGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-4)
4.3″ WQVGA Powertip TFT Display Board (AC164127-6)
5.7″ VGA Truly TFT Display Board (AC164127-8)
Multimedia Expansion Board (DM320005)
And one of the following Starter Kits
PIC24E Starter Kit (DM240012)
dsPIC33E Starter Kit (DM330012)
PIC32 Starter Kit (DM320001)
PIC32 USB Starter Kit II (DM320003-2)
PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit (DM320004)