Getting Started: Running the “Device – Libusb – Generic Driver Demo


Required Hardware: 1

Configuration 1: PICDEM FS USB.. 1

Configuration 2: PIC18F87J50 PIM... 1

Configuration 3: Explorer 16. 1

Configuration 4: Low Pin Count USB Development Kit 2

Configuration 5: PIC24F Starter Kit 1. 2

Configuration 6: PIC18F46J50 Full Speed USB Demo Board. 2

Configuration 7: PIC32 USB Starter Board. 2

Configuration 8: PIC18F Starter Kit 2

Configuring the Hardware: 2

Configuration 1: PICDEM FS USB.. 2

Configuration 2: PIC18F87J50 PIM... 3

Configuration 3: Explorer 16. 4

Configuration 4: Low Pin Count USB Development Kit 6

Configuration 5: PIC24F Starter Kit 1. 7

Configuration 6: PIC18F46J50 Full Speed USB Demo Board. 7

Configuration 7: PIC32 USB Starter Board. 7

Configuration 8: PIC18F Starter Kit 8

Firmware. 8

Running the Demo (Windows): 9

Running the Demo (Linux): 11

Push Button. 12

Trademarks: 15


Required Hardware:

  To run this project, you will need one of the following sets of hardware:


    Configuration 1: PICDEM FS USB

              PICDEM FS USB (DM163025)

    Configuration 2: PIC18F87J50 PIM

              PIC18F87J50 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA180021)

    Configuration 3: Explorer 16

Explorer 16 (DM240001)

            USB PICtailPlus Daughter Card (AC164131)

            And one of the following PIMs

PIC24FJ64GB004 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240019)

PIC24FJ256GB110 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240014)

PIC32MX USB Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA320002)

dsPIC33EP512MU810 Plug-In-Module (PIM)

PIC24EP512GU810 Plug-In-Module (PIM)


    Configuration 4: Low Pin Count USB Development Kit

Low Pin Count USB Development Kit with PICKit 2 Debugger/Programmer (DV164126) or without Debugger/Programmer (DM164127)


    Configuration 5: PIC24F Starter Kit 1

PIC24F Starter Kit 1 (DM240011)


    Configuration 6: PIC18F46J50 Full Speed USB Demo Board

PIC18F46J50 Full Speed USB Demo Board (MA180024)


    Configuration 7: PIC32 USB Starter Board

PIC32 USB Starter Board (DM320003)


    Configuration 8: PIC18F Starter Kit

       PIC18F Starter Kit (DM180021)


Configuring the Hardware:


This section describes how to set up the various configurations of hardware to run this demo.

Configuration 1: PICDEM FS USB

Configuration 2: PIC18F87J50 PIM

Configuration 3: PIC24FJ256GB110 PIM + Explorer 16

Configuration 4: Low Pin Count USB Development Kit

Configuration 5: PIC24F Starter Kit 1

Configuration 6: PIC18F46J50 Full Speed USB Demo Board

Configuration 7: PIC32MX USB Starter Board


 Configuration 1: PICDEM FS USB

1) If using the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board, no hardware related configuration or jumper setting changes should be necessary.  The demo board need only be programmed with appropriate firmware. 


          Configuration 2: PIC18F87J50 PIM

1) Short JP4 on the PIC18F87J50 PIM.  This allows the demo board to be powered through bus power.


2) Short JP1 such that the “R” and “U” options are shorted. 


            3) Short JP5 on PIC18F87J50 PIM. This connects the LEDs to RE0 and RE1 pins of the Microcontroller. 




4) Before connecting the PIC18F87J50 PIM to the HPC Explorer board, remove all attached cables from both boards.  Connect the PIC18F87J50 PIM to the HPC Explorer board.  Be careful when connecting the boards to insure that no pins are bent or damaged during the process.  Also insure that the PIM is not shifted in any direction and that all of the headers are properly aligned.



Configuration 3: Explorer 16

1) Before attaching the PIM to the Explorer 16 board, insure that the processor selector switch (S2) is in the “PIM” position as seen in the image below.


2) Short the J7 jumper to the “PIC24” setting


3) Before connecting the PIM to the Explorer 16 board, remove all attached cables from both boards.  Connect the PIM to the Explorer 16 board.  Be careful when connecting the boards to insure that no pins are bent or damaged during the process.  Also insure that the PIM is not shifted in any direction and that all of the headers are properly aligned.


            3a)  If using the PIC24FJ64GB004 PIM, please insure that the programming port switch is switched in the PGX1 direction.


4)  On the USB PICTail Plus board, short jumper JP1.  Remove all other shorts on the board.


5)  Connect the USB PICTail Plus board to either of the female PICTail Plus connectors or on the card edge connector (J9) at the edge of the Explorer 16 board.


Note: When using the HID bootloader for PIC32, it is important to modify the procdefs.ld file to relocate the sections of code that will hold the bootloader and those sections that will hold the user application.  Example modified procdefs.ld files have been provided with each project.  This file is currently named “Procdefs.ld.boot”.  When using the example project with the bootloader it is required to remove the “.boot” section of the file.  This will allow MPLAB to use this file instead of the default linker file.  Once the linker file is renamed, however, the project will no longer work without the bootloader.  Please rename the file in order to get the project working again with PIC32.


Configuration 4: Low Pin Count USB Development Kit

            1) Short pins 2 and 3 of J14.  Make sure J12 is left open.


Configuration 5: PIC24F Starter Kit 1

The PIC24F Starter Kit does not require any hardware setup to run this demo.  This demo does, however, require the user to change the default selected device in the project before compiling the demo.

            1) Open the associated project file for C30

            2) In MPLAB Select “Configure->Select Device”

            3) In the device list box in the top left corner of that window, select “PIC24FJ256GB106


Configuration 6: PIC18F46J50 Full Speed USB Demo Board

            1) Short JP3 to allow the board to be powered from the USB.



Configuration 7: PIC32 USB Starter Board

No specific hardware configuration is required for this demo. Connect the USB cable to the OTG connector J5 on the bottom of the board.


Configuration 8: PIC18F Starter Kit

No specific hardware configuration is required for this demo.



To run this project, you will need to load the corresponding firmware into the microcontroller.  Precompiled Demos are available in the “<Install Directory>\USB Precompiled Demos” folders.  Each demo hex filename should include information regarding the hardware platform it is compiled for.  For this demo, select the appropriate “LibUSB – Generic Driver Demo” hex files that matches the hardware configuration that you plan to use.


For more information about how to load a precompiled project, please see the “Getting Started – Loading a precompiled demo” guide.


The source code for this demo firmware is available in the “<Install Directory\ USB Device - LibUSB - Generic Driver Demo\LibUSB Simple Demo - Firmware” directory.  In this directory you will find all of the user level source and header files as well as project and workspace files for each of the hardware platforms. 


Please note that when using either the C30 or C32 demo projects you will be required to select the correct processor for the demo board.

1) Open the associated project file

            2) In MPLAB Select “Configure->Select Device”

            3) In the device list box in the top left corner of that window, select the desired device.


For more help on how to compile and program projects, please refer to the MPLAB® IDE help available through the help menu of MPLAB (Help->Topics…->MPLAB IDE).




Running the Demo (Windows):

This demo uses the selected hardware platform as a Libusb class USB device.  Libusb-Win32 is a USB Library for the Windows operating systems.  The library allows user space applications to access any USB device on Windows in a generic way without writing any line of kernel driver code. This driver allows users to have access to interrupt, bulk, and control transfers directly. 


The SimpleLibUSBDemo.exe program and the associated firmware demonstrate how to use the Libusb device drivers for basic general purpose USB data transfer.  To make the PC source code as easy to understand as possible, the demo has deliberately been made simple, and only sends/receives small amounts of data.  


Before you can run the SimpleLibUSBDemo.exe executable, you will need to have the Microsoft® .NET Framework Version 3.5 Redistributable Package (later versions probably okay, but not tested) installed on your computer.  Programs which were built in the Visual Studio® .NET languages require the .NET redistributable package in order to run.  The redistributable package can be freely downloaded from Microsoft’s website.  Users of Windows Vista® operating systems will not need to install the .NET framework, as it comes pre-installed as part of the operating system.


The source code for SimpleLibUSBDemo.exe file was created in Microsoft Visual C++® 2008 Express Edition.  The source code can be found in the “<Install Directory>\ USB Device - Libusb - Generic Driver Demo\ Libusb Simple Demo - Windows Application\Libusb Simple Demo - PC Application - MS VC++ 2008 Express” directory.  Microsoft currently distributes Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition for free, and can be downloaded from Microsoft’s website. 


To launch the application, simply double click on the executable “SimpleLIbusbDemo.exe” in the “<Install Directory>\USB Device - Libusb - Generic Driver Demo\Windows Application” directory. A window like that shown below should appear:



If instead of this window, an error message pops up while trying to launch the application, it is likely the Microsoft .NET Framework Version 3.5 Redistributable Package has not yet been installed.  Please install it and try again.


In order to begin sending/receiving packets to the device, you must first find and “connect” to the device.  As configured by default, the application is looking for USB devices with VID = 0x04D8 and PID = 0x0204.  The device descriptor in the firmware project meant to be used with this demo uses the same VID/PID.  To run the demo program the USB device with the correct precompiled .hex file.  If you are connecting the device for the first time, Windows pops up a window asking you to install the driver for the device.  When asked for the driver point it to the inf file provided along with the demo.  Windows takes while to install the driver for the USB device that is just plugged in.  Open the Device manager and ensure that the USB device is listed under the ‘Libusb Demo Devices’.  Once the driver is installed hit the “Connect” button, the other pushbuttons should become enabled.  If hitting the connect button has no effect, it is likely the USB device is either not connected, or has not been programmed with the correct firmware.


Hitting the Toggle LED(s) should send a single packet of general purpose generic data to the Custom class USB peripheral device.  The data will arrive on the Bulk OUT endpoint.  The firmware has been configured to receive this generic data packet, parse the packet looking for the “Toggle LED(s)” command, and should respond appropriately by controlling the LED(s) on the demo board.


The “Get Pushbutton State” button will send one packet of data over the USB to the peripheral device (to the Bulk OUT endpoint) requesting the current pushbutton state.   The firmware will process the received Get Pushbutton State command, and will prepare an appropriate response packet depending upon the pushbutton state.


For hardware configuration 1 (PICDEM FS USB Demo Board), the firmware will check pushbutton “S2” (RB4).

For hardware configuration 2 (PIC18F87J50 PIM), the firmware will check pushbutton “S4” (RB4). 

For hardware configuration 3 (Explorer 16), the firmware will check pushbutton “S3” (RD6).

For hardware configuration 4 (Low Pin Count USB Development Kit), the firmware will check pushbutton “S1” (RA3).

For hardware configuration 5 (PIC24F Starter Kit 1), the pushbutton functionality is not implemented in this demo at this point of time.

For hardware configuration 6 (PIC18F46J50 PIM), the firmware will check pushbutton “S2” (RB2).

For hardware configuration 7 (PIC32 USB Starter Kit), the firmware will check pushbutton “SW1” (RD6).


The PC then requests a packet of data from the device (which will be taken from the Bulk IN endpoint).  Once the PC application receives the response packet, it will update the pushbutton state label.


Try experimenting with the application by holding down the appropriate pushbutton on the demo board, and then simultaneously clicking on the “Get Pushbutton State” button.  Then try to repeat the process, but this time without holding down the pushbutton on the demo board.


To make for a more fluid and gratifying end user experience, a real USB application would probably want to launch a separate thread to periodically poll the pushbutton state, so as to get updates regularly.  This is not done in this simple demo, so as to avoid cluttering the PC application project with source code that is not related to USB communication.


In order to build the application, copy the file <libusb-win32 unzipped folder>\ libusb-win32-device-bin-\lib\msvc\libusb.lib and paste to ‘lib’ folder of the VC++. Also copy the file

<libusb-win32 unzipped folder>\ libusb-win32-device-bin-\ include\usb.h and paste to the “<Install Directory>\USB Device - Libusb - Generic Driver Demo\Windows Application\Microsoft VC++ 2008 Express\SimpleLibusbDemo’ folder.


Running the Demo (Linux):

The SimpleLibUSBDemo program and the associated firmware demonstrate how to use the Libusb device drivers for basic general purpose USB data transfer.  To make the PC source code as easy to understand as possible, the demo has deliberately been made simple, and only sends/receives small amounts of data.  


Before you can run the SimpleLibUSBDemo executable, you will need to have the libusb 0.1 driver installed on your computer.  The libusb can be downloaded from


The source code for SimpleLibUSBDemo.exe file was created using QT3 Designer.  The source code can be found in the “<Install Directory>\ USB Device - Libusb - Generic Driver Demo\Libusb Simple Demo - Linux Application\ Libusb Simple Demo - Linux Application -QT3” directory. 


To launch the application, open the Terminal and navigate to the “<Install Directory>\USB Device - LibUSB - Generic Driver Demo\Linux Application” directory and execute the following commands


            1. chmod a+x SimpleLibusbDemo_Linux (This command gives executable right to the file on this Linux computer)         

2. sudo ./SimpleLibusbDemo_Linux. 


Enter the Super user password when requested. A window like that shown below should appear:



In order to begin sending/receiving packets to the device, you must first find and “connect” to the device.  As configured by default, the application is looking for USB devices with VID = 0x04D8 and PID = 0x0204.  The device descriptor in the firmware project meant to be used with this demo uses the same VID/PID.  To run the demo program the USB device with the correct precompiled .hex file.  If you are connecting the device for the first time, Windows pops up a window asking you to install the driver for the device.  When asked for the driver point it to the inf file provided along with the demo.  Windows takes while to install the driver for the USB device that is just plugged in.  Open the Device manager and ensure that the USB device is listed under the ‘Libusb Demo Devices’.  Once the driver is installed hit the “Connect” button, the other pushbuttons should become enabled.  If hitting the connect button has no effect, it is likely the USB device is either not connected, or has not been programmed with the correct firmware.


Hitting the Toggle LED(s) should send a single packet of general purpose generic data to the Custom class USB peripheral device.  The data will arrive on the Bulk OUT endpoint.  The firmware has been configured to receive this generic data packet, parse the packet looking for the “Toggle LED(s)” command, and should respond appropriately by controlling the LED(s) on the demo board.


The “Get Pushbutton State” button will send one packet of data over the USB to the peripheral device (to the Bulk OUT endpoint) requesting the current pushbutton state.   The firmware will process the received Get Pushbutton State command, and will prepare an appropriate response packet depending upon the pushbutton state.


For hardware configuration 1 (PICDEM FS USB Demo Board), the firmware will check pushbutton “S2” (RB4).

For hardware configuration 2 (PIC18F87J50 PIM), the firmware will check pushbutton “S4” (RB4). 

For hardware configuration 3 (Explorer 16), the firmware will check pushbutton “S3” (RD6).

For hardware configuration 4 (Low Pin Count USB Development Kit), the firmware will check pushbutton “S1” (RA3).

For hardware configuration 5 (PIC24F Starter Kit 1), the pushbutton functionality is not implemented in this demo at this point of time.


The PC then requests a packet of data from the device (which will be taken from the Bulk IN endpoint).  Once the PC application receives the response packet, it will update the pushbutton state label.


Try experimenting with the application by holding down the appropriate pushbutton on the demo board, and then simultaneously clicking on the “Get Pushbutton State” button.  Then try to repeat the process, but this time without holding down the pushbutton on the demo board.


To make for a more fluid and gratifying end user experience, a real USB application would probably want to launch a separate thread to periodically poll the pushbutton state, so as to get updates regularly.  This is not done in this simple demo, so as to avoid cluttering the PC application project with source code that is not related to USB communication.


In order to build the application navigate to the “<Install Directory>\USB Device - LibUSB - Generic Driver Demo\Linux Application\Qt3” directory and execute the command “make”.


Push Button




PIC18F87J50 PIM:


Explorer 16:



Low pin count USB development kit:



PIC24F Starter Kit 1:

            The PIC24F Starter Kit 1 does not implement the pushbutton for these demos.  This functionality is not present in this demo. 


PIC18F46J50 Full Speed USB Demo Board:


PIC32 USB Starter Kit


            PIC18 Starter kit



The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, MPLAB, and PIC are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries.

PICDEM and PICTail are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries.

Microsoft, Windows, Visual Studio, Visual C++, and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.