Getting Started: Smart Card Demo


Required Hardware: 1

Configuration 1: HPC Explorer 1

Configuration 2: Explorer 16. 1

Configuration 3: Low Pin Count USB Development Kit 1

Configuration 4: PICDEM FS USB.. 1

Configuring the Hardware: 1

Configuration 1: HPC Explorer 2

Configuration 2: Explorer 16. 3

Configuration 3: PIC18F14K50 + LPC Board. 5

Configuration 4: PICDEM FS USB.. 6

Firmware. 6

Running the Demo. 7

Trademarks: 9


Required Hardware:

  To run this project, you will need one of the following sets of hardware:

    Configuration 1: HPC Explorer

            High pin count (HPC) Explorer (DM183022)

            SC (Smart/Sim Card) PICTail Board


And one of the following PIMs

PIC18F87J50 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA180021)

PIC18F46J50 Full Speed USB Demo Board (MA180024)

    Configuration 2: Explorer 16

Explorer 16 (DM240001)

SC (Smart/Sim Card) PICTail Board


            And one of the following PIMs

PIC24FJ256GB110 Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA240014),

PIC32MX795F512L Plug-In-Module (PIM) (MA320003),



     Configuration 3: Low Pin Count USB Development Kit

Low Pin Count USB Development Kit with PICKit 2 Debugger/Programmer (DV164126) or without Debugger/Programmer (DM164127).

SC (Smart/Sim Card) PICTail Board

    Configuration 4: PICDEM FS USB


SC (Smart/Sim Card) PICTail Board

Configuring the Hardware:


This section describes how to set up the various configurations of hardware to run this demo.

Configuration 1: HPC Explorer

Configuration 2:  Explorer 16

Configuration 3: PIC18F14K50 + LPC Board

Configuration 4: PICDEM FS USB Board

          Configuration 1: HPC Explorer

1) Before inserting PIC18F87J50 PIM or PIC18F46J50 PIM in the HPC Explorer board, insure that the processor selector switch (S3) is in the “ICE” position as seen in the image below.  Failure to so will result in difficulties in getting the PIC18F87J50/PIC18F46J50 PIM to sit properly on the HPC Explorer. 



2) Before inserting PIC18F87J50/PIC18F46J50 PIM into the HPC Explorer board, remove all the attached cables from both the boards. Be careful while inserting the PIM into HPC board. Insure that no pins are bent or damaged during the process.  Also insure that the PIM is not shifted in any direction and that all of the headers are properly aligned.


3)  Insert the J4 port pins of SC (Smart/Sim Card) PICTail Board in the J3 port of HPC Explorer board. Make sure that the Smart Card Connector is facing towards the HPC Explorer board. Insert the Smart Card in SC PICTail Board. 



Configuration 2: Explorer 16

1) Before attaching the PIM to the Explorer 16 board, insure that the processor selector switch (S2) is in the “PIM” position as seen in the image below.



2) Short the J7 jumper to the “PIC24” setting



3) Be careful while inserting the PIC24FJ256GB110 PIM or any other appropriate PIM into Exp 16 board. Insure that no pins are bent or damaged during the process.  Also insure that the PIM is not shifted in any direction and that all of the headers are properly aligned.


4) Short JP1 to SRC1 (i.e. RD1) or SRC2 (i.e. RB15) based upon the smart card clock pin configured in the firmware: Example: - Short JP1 to SRC1 while using PIC24FJ256GB110 demo and Short JP2 to SRC2 while using PIC32MX795F512L demo.



5)  Insert the J2 slot of SC (Smart/Sim Card) PICTail card into J5 port of Explorer 16 board. Make sure that the Smart Card Connector is facing towards the Explorer 16 board. Insert the Smart Card in SC PICTail board. 

Configuration 3: PIC18F14K50 + LPC Board

1) Make sure that JP1 of SC PICTail card is left open. Make sure that J12 of LPC board is left open. One side of J4 port pins of the SC (Smart/Sim Card) PICTail Board matches with the J11 port of LPC board. Insert the matching side of J4 port of SC PICTail board into the J11 port of LPC board. Make sure that the Smart Card Connector is facing towards the LPC board. Insert the Smart Card in SC PICTail board. Apart from the above guidelines, couple of below steps has to be followed to make the demo work:-

1) Short Tx & Rx line of the UART (i.e. short pin 1 & pin 6 of J13 port using a wire in the LPC board) and connect it to I/O pin of SC PICTail board.

            2) Connect RB6 (i.e. pin 5 of J13 port in LPC board) to “Card Present” signal pin of SC PICTail board as shown below.  



Configuration 4: PICDEM FS USB

1)       If using the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board, no hardware related configuration or jumper setting changes should be necessary.  The demo board need only be programmed with appropriate firmware.



2)  Don’t short the jumper at J11 port.

3)  Insert the J2 port of SC (Smart/Sim Card) PICTail card into J3 port of PICDEM FSUSB board as per the pin configuration. Insert the Smart Card in SC PICTail board.




To run this project, you will need to load the corresponding firmware into the devices.


The source code for this demo is available in the “<Install Directory\Smart Card Demo” directory.  In this directory you will find all of the user level source and header files, linker file as well as project file for each of the hardware platforms.  Find the project (*.mcp) file that corresponds to the hardware platform you wish to test. Compile and program the demo code into the hardware platform. For more help on how to compile and program projects, please refer to the MPLAB® IDE help available through the help menu of MPLAB (Help->Topics…->MPLAB IDE).


Running the Demo:


This demo uses the selected hardware platform as a Smart card reader. The demo has to be run in the debug mode of MPLAB IDE. Please refer “Configuring the Hardware”  section for the bench setup connections.


Smart Card consists of 8 pins namely:-



I/O: Input or Output for serial data to the integrated circuit inside the card.
VPP:  Programming voltage input (optional use by the card).
GND: Ground (reference voltage).
CLK: Clocking or timing signal.
RST: Reset Signal to the Card.

VCC: Power supply input (optional use by the card).


Communication between the interfacing device and smart card is done as per the following steps:-


·         Insertion of the smart card in the slot.

·         Detection of the smart card insertion by the microcontroller (interfacing device).

·         Microcontroller does the cold reset of the smart card.

·         Answer to Reset (ATR) response by the card.

·         PPS exchange (if smart card supports it).

·         Execution of the transaction(s) between the card & the interfacing device.

·         Removal of the smart card from the slot.

·         Detection of the smart card removal by the microcontroller.

·         Deactivation of the contacts.


At the current times there are two communication protocols that are in general use:-

·         T = 0 asynchronous half duplex character transmission.

·         T = 1 asynchronous half duplex block transmission.


The data transfers between the card and the terminal happens on the single wire I/O line. The smart card library supports both T=0 & T=1 protocol.


Example code for T=0 cards:- 


The demo executes the card commands namely SUBMIT CODE, SELECT FILE, READ RECORD & WRITE RECORD. The command list can be extended further as per the project requirement.


Example code for T=1 cards:-


The demo executes the "Get CPLC (Card Production Life Cycle) data" command for T=1 java card. The command list can be extended further as per the smart card manual and the project requirement.


The demo uses the signal connections between the smart card & PIC micro port pins as per the below table:-        


Signal Name




































Signal Name
















RC4, RF2

RF2 , RF8

RF2 , RF3

RF2 , RF3

















“SMART_CARD_DET”/”SIM_CARD_DET” signals indicate the presence of Smart Card/Sim Card to the microcontroller. Either of one between Smart Card & Sim Card has to be inserted in the Smart Card PICTail board. If both the cards are inserted at a time in the PICTail card, then the demo won’t work successfully.


If the user wants to connect the smart card signals to different port pins of the micro, then he or she needs to modify the pin mapping in “sc_config.h” file.


The demo waits in the while(1) loop until the smart card is inserted in the smart card connector slot. Once the card is inserted in the slot, ATR (Answer to Reset) and PPS (Protocol & Parameter Selection) operations are performed. Then after the execution of card commands is done as per the smart card manual provided by the manufacturer. If the user inserts T=0 card in the slot, then “SC_TransactT0” function is called & the result of the executed command from the smart card is stored in “apduData”. If the user inserts T=1 card in the slot, then “SC_TransactT1” function is called & the result of the executed command from the smart card is stored in “apduData”. Variable “cardResponse” stores the status codes & the length of the received data from the smart card.


Note: After initially being reset by the card reader, the smart card responds with a string of characters known as the Answer to Reset, or ATR. These characters consist of an initial character, TS, followed by a maximum of 32 additional characters. Together, these characters provide information to the card reader about how to communicate with the card for the remainder of the session. If the card reader wants to modify any of these data transmission parameters in the smart card, then it must perform PPS in accordance with ISO/IEC 7816-3 before the transmission protocol is actually used.


For more details about smart card communication using PIC microcontrollers, please refer the application note AN1370


Troubleshooting Tips:

            Issue 1: How to get the exact delays for Work Wait time functionality?

Solution:  It is advisable to use Timers to generate the exact delays.


The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, MPLAB, and PIC are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries.

PICDEM and PICTail are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries.

Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

SD is a trademark of the SD Association in the U.S.A and other countries