Stack and Compiler Versions
TCP/IP Stack v5.36.2
MPLAB C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs (C18) v3.38
MPLAB C Compiler for PIC24 MCUs and dsPIC DSCs (C30) v3.25
MPLAB C Compiler for PIC32 MCUs (C32) v1.12
Wired test setup: Connect the board under test directly to a computer using a crossover cable.  Follow the TCPIP Stack Help file's instructions for the TCP/UDP Performance Test.
Wireless test setup: Connect the PC to a router with a Category 5 cable.  Connect the demo board to the router wirelessly  Follow the TCPIP Stack Help file's instructions for the TCP/UDP Performance Test.
Microcontroller MIPS Network
Interface LAN Transmit Throughput (Kbytes/sec) Internet Transmit Throughput at 100ms ping
(estimated Kbytes/sec)(1)
Compiler Optimization Test Boards
TCP with 200 byte TX FIFO TCP with 2000 byte TX FIFO TCP with 8000 byte TX FIFO UDP TCP with
200 byte
TCP with
2000 byte
TCP with
8000 byte
PIC18F97J60 10.4 Internal 10BaseT - 34 76 N/A 113 2 20 N/A 113 C18 Debug 2
PIC18F8722 10 ENC28J60 SPI, 10 MHz 21 45 N/A 63 2 20 N/A 63 C18 Debug PIC18 Explorer, Ethernet PICtail
PIC24FJ128GA010 16 ENC28J60 SPI, 8 MHz 56 136 N/A 203 2 20 N/A 203 C30 s (min size) Explorer 16, Ethernet PICtail Plus
dsPIC33FJ256GP710(2) 40 ENC28J60 SPI, 8 MHz 75 200 N/A 258 2 20 N/A 258 C30 s (min size) Explorer 16, Ethernet PICtail Plus
PIC32MX360F512L 80 ENC28J60 SPI, 20 MHz 110 347 N/A 461 2 20 N/A 461 C32 s (min size) Explorer 16, Ethernet PICtail Plus
PIC32MX795F512L 80 ENC28J60 SPI, 20 MHz 115 363 N/A 456 2 20 N/A 456 C32 s (min size) Explorer 16, Ethernet PICtail Plus
PIC18F8722 10 ENC624J600(3) SPI, 10 MHz 28 76 80 114 2 20 80 114 C18 Debug PIC18 Explorer, Fast 100Mbps Ethernet PICtail Plus
PIC24FJ128GA010 16 ENC624J600(3) SPI, 8 MHz 57 168 183 362 2 20 80 362 C30 s (min size) Explorer 16, Fast 100Mbps Ethernet PICtail Plus
dsPIC33FJ256GP710(2) 40 ENC624J600(3) SPI, 8 MHz 94 291 321 554 2 20 80 554 C30 s (min size) Explorer 16, Fast 100Mbps Ethernet PICtail Plus
PIC32MX360F512L 80 ENC624J600(3) SPI, 13.33 MHz 142 374 421 692 2 20 80 692 C32 s (min size) Explorer 16, Fast 100Mbps Ethernet PICtail Plus
PIC32MX795F512L 80 ENC624J600(3) SPI, 13.33 MHz 154 412 469 784 2 20 80 784 C32 s (min size) Explorer 16, Fast 100Mbps Ethernet PICtail Plus
PIC24FJ128GA010 16 ENC624J600(3) PSP Mode 5, PMP 101 321 363 1028 2 20 80 1028 C30 s (min size) Explorer 16, Fast 100Mbps Ethernet PICtail Plus
dsPIC33FJ256GP710(2) 40 ENC624J600(3) PSP Mode 5, Bitbang 202 711 868 2038 2 20 80 2038 C30 s (min size) Explorer 16, Fast 100Mbps Ethernet PICtail Plus
PIC32MX360F512L 80 ENC624J600(3) PSP Mode 5, PMP 200 833 1027 2071 2 20 80 2071 C32 s (min size) Explorer 16, Fast 100Mbps Ethernet PICtail Plus
PIC32MX795F512L(3) 80 Internal 100BaseTX - 393 1635 2543 8449 2 20 80 8449 C32 s (min size) PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit
PIC18F97J60 10.4 MRF24WB0M SPI, 10.4 MHz 5 23 30 40 2 20 30 40 C18 Debug 2, MRF24WB0MA Wi-Fi PICtail Plus
PIC24FJ256GB110 16 MRF24WB0M SPI, 8 MHz 8 43 63 48 2 20 63 48 C30 s (min size) Explorer 16, MRF24WB0MA Wi-Fi PICtail Plus
dsPIC33FJ256GP710(2) 40 MRF24WB0M SPI, 8 MHz 8 45 74 48 2 20 74 48 C30 s (min size) Explorer 16, MRF24WB0MA Wi-Fi PICtail Plus
PIC32MX360F512L 80 MRF24WB0M SPI, 20 MHz 9 51 83 48 2 20 80 48 C32 s (min size) Explorer 16, MRF24WB0MA Wi-Fi PICtail Plus
PIC32MX795F512L 80 MRF24WB0M SPI, 20 MHz 9 53 84 44 2 20 80 44 C32 s (min size) Explorer 16, MRF24WB0MA Wi-Fi PICtail Plus
1. Internet throughput with acknowledged protocols, such as TCP, are capped by the formula (Buffer Size)/(Ping Time).  Assuming round trip acknowledgement latency cannot be controlled, bigger buffers must be used to increase throughput.  Internet performance is derived from LAN throughput and is not measured.
2. Stack performance with a dsPIC33F is identical to a PIC24H device at the same processor clock.  No DSP features are used by the TCP/IP stack.
3. ENC624J600 and PIC32MX7XX/6XX Internal 100BaseTX Ethernet measurements are done in 100Mbps, full duplex mode.