Module Program Memory (bytes)
No Optimizations
Program Memory (bytes)
All Optimizations
Global Data Memory
Required Stack Code - PIC18F97J60 family controller 9118 7568 585
Required Stack Code - MRF24WB0M Wi-Fi controller 25482 19498 1078
Announce(1) +3395 +2775 +188
AutoIP +2860 +2090 +88
DHCP Client(1) +6244 +4684 +241
DHCP Server(1) +5012 +3490 +198
DNS Client(1) +5955 +4333 +243
Dynamic DNS Client(1,2,3) +31519 +22039 +677
HTTP2 Server/MPFS2(2) +38433 +25137 +646
ICMP Client +1529 +1263 +42
ICMP Server +436 +410 +4
NBNS(1) +4465 +3589 +208
SMTP Client(1,2,3) +33311 +23485 +666
SNMP Agent(1,4) +27837 +18485 +733
SNTP Client(1,3) +7269 +5287 +267
SSL Client +50139 +35221 +1818
SSL Server +51757 +36547 +1464
SSL Server/Client +59279 +41027 +1939
TCP +19028 +13370 +323
UDP +2730 +2270 +186
Total(5) 97947 67339 2573
Total + SSL(5) N/A(6) N/A(6) N/A(6)
(1): Code size includes the UDP module (required for operation).
(2): Code size includes the TCP module (required for operation).
(3): Code size includes the DNS module (required for operation).
(4): Code size includes the MPFS2 module (required for operation).
(5): Total includes the required files, and the ARP, AutoIP, DHCP Client and Server, DNS, 
Dynamic DNS, HTTP2, ICMP, MPFS2, NBNS, SMTP, SNMP, SNTP, TCP, and UDP modules.
(6): Compiled code size exceeds the capacity of the target processor.