When the EBB boots up, the output RB1 (called B1 on the
board) is used to control the pen up/down servo. The SP and TP
commands default to operating on RB1.
When the EBB boots up, the output RB3 (called B3 on the
board) is set to be a digital output, set low, to turn the
engraver (if used) off at boot. SE command can be used to
control PWM engraver output on this pin.
When the EBB boots up, it sets RB0 (called B0 on the board)
as an input and uses this as an alternate pause button (same
function as PRG button during normal operation). Use SC,13,0 to
disable this.
When the EBB boots up, it uses RB4 (called B4 on the board)
as an alternate pen up/down digital output (1 when down, 0 when
up). You can use this to enable a laser for example. Use SC,14,0
to disable.
EBB Firmware v2.2.4 and above:
RC Servo (pen) starts in 'up' position (at <servo_min>
value) which defaults to 12,000 (or 1.0mS pulse width).